Select Create a new playlist, name the playlist and select a privacy setting. The privacy settings are:

Public – anyone can search for and view your playlistsUnlisted – only people you send a link to can view the playlist Private – only you can see the playlist

The Library section includes your Watch Later list and any playlist that you’ve created. Select a playlist name to see information about the playlist including a list of each video you’ve added to it. You can remove videos from the playlist, select a Shuffle Play option, and select a thumbnail image for the playlist.  Select a playlist and choose Edit Description when the playlist information screen opens. Enter titles, tags, and descriptions in the box provided for that purpose. In this screen, you can also reorder the videos in the playlist and change the privacy settings. There are good reasons to keep some of your YouTube videos and playlists private or unlisted. You can change the privacy setting on a playlist at any time.