Why Does My iPad Keep Crashing?

There are several possible reasons why it’s shutting down by itself:

A memory overload or hiccup. Low or drained battery. iPadOS is outdated and full of bugs. A recent OS update is causing adverse effects. Too little free storage space. The iPad is jailbroken. Failing RAM or other hardware. The hardware is too outdated to run your apps.

How Do I Fix My iPad From Crashing?

Some of these solutions resolve particular problems but feel free to step through them to test each fix. If your iPad is acting strange, like if it’s slow or apps are closing down unprompted, it could be related to low battery. It’s crucial to update your iPad’s operating system whenever possible. New updates often apply bug fixes that could fix the issue. It might seem like a useless step to have right after we recommend upgrading the OS. However, testing the latest OS is best before assuming a previous version is better. As long as you’ve completed the last step and are caught up with all updates available from Apple if you think the software is still to blame, downgrade to the most recent version you know works fine on your iPad. If you can’t follow those steps because it shuts down too soon, try resetting the iPad with iTunes. Another sign you might need a more modern iPad is if it’s too old to run the latest iPadOS version. An outdated OS, as described above, might be contributing to the crashes. What most likely needs to happen is replacing the iPad battery. It’s probably the case if it repeatedly dies sooner than the battery level would indicate.