How To Prepare A Page For Background Video in Adobe Muse CC

With the widget installed, you can now create the page that will use the video.

How To Use The Fullscreen Background Video Widget in Adobe Muse CC

Using the widget is dead simple.

How To Add Video and Test A Page In Adobe Muse CC

Though you have added the code that will play the videos, Muse still doesn’t know where those videos are located. One other trick: All this widget does is to write the HTML 5 code for you. You can tell this because you see <> in the widget. In this case, you can place the widget from the web page onto the pasteboard, and it will still work. This way, it doesn’t interfere with any content you will place on the page.

How To Add A Video Poster Frame In Adobe Muse CC

This is the web we are talking about here, and, depending on the connection speed, there is a good chance your user may open the page and be staring at a blank screen while the video loads. This is not a good thing. Here’s how to deal with this bit of nastiness. It is a “Best Practice” to include a poster frame of the video, which will appear while the video loads. This is usually a full-size screenshot of a frame from the video. The final part of this series shows you how to write the HTML5 code that slides a video into a web page’s background.