LOWER(): Converts text to all lower case (small letters)UPPER(): Converts text all to upper case (capital letters)PROPER(): Converts text to title form by capitalizing the first letter of each word
UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER Functions’ Syntax and Arguments
A function’s syntax refers to the layout of the function and includes the function’s name, brackets, comma separators, and arguments. The syntax for the UPPER() function is: The syntax for the LOWER() function is: The syntax for the PROPER() function is: Each of these functions accept a single argument:
A cell reference A word or words enclosed in quotation marks A formula that outputs text
Example Usage
If cell A1 contained the text Success, then the formula returns SUCCESS. Likewise, the following formula returns my cat is awesome.
Use VBA for Changing Text Case
Using formulas for very large spreadsheets or frequently updated data is less efficient than using a Visual Basic for Applications macro. Although VBA is more of an advanced programming technique, Microsoft published a beginner-friendly introduction to VBA for Excel that can get you started.