You can use the help command at any time to learn more about a command’s usage and syntax, like which options are available and how to actually structure the command to use its various options.

Help Command Availability

The help command is available from within the Command Prompt in all Windows operating systems, including Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and others. The help command is also a DOS command available in MS-DOS. The availability of certain help command switches and other help command syntax may differ from operating system to operating system.

Help Command Syntax

help [command] [/?] Just as in the previous example, the syntax and other information on how to use the robocopy command are displayed. However, unlike the ver command, robocopy has lots of options and information, so the command prompt displays a lot more information than just one sentence like you might see with some commands like ver.

Due to the nature of the help command, it’s used with just about every other command in existence, like rd, print, xcopy, wmic, schtasks, path, pause, more, move, label, prompt, diskpart, color, chkdsk, attrib, assoc, echo, goto, format, and cls.