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How to Interpret Message Headers

Inspecting headers can lead to valuable insights about a message. Commonly used headers include:

Received: Shows the mail servers that processed the message on its journey from source to destination.Return-Path: Displays the Reply to address, which may be different than the From address.Authentication-Results: References whether (or to what degree) the sender’s email server verified the sender’s credentials.Date: Lists the date on which the sender originally transmitted the message.From: Shows the email address, and often the display name, of the person who sent the message.Reply-To: Displays the address used to reply to the message. This is not always the same as the address of the sender.Message-ID: Identifies the tracking number of the email.Precedence: Used by different servers in different ways; some don’t use it at all.List-Unsubscribe: Identifies the email address you can use to unsubscribe from the mail list from which the message originated, if any.X-Spam-Score: The estimated likelihood that the message is spam. If the score falls above a given number, the message might be automatically moved to the spam folder.