Add Headers and Footers

The easiest way to insert a header or footer is to place the mouse pointer in the top or bottom margin of a section and double-click to open the Header and Footer workspace. Anything you add to this workspace appears on every page of the section. To return to the body of your document, double-click anywhere in it.

You can also use the Microsoft Word ribbon to add a header or footer. The benefit of this method is that the options are preformatted. Microsoft Word provides headers and footers with colored dividing lines, document title placeholders, date placeholders, page number placeholders, and other elements. Using one of these preformatted styles can save time and add a touch of professionalism to your documents. Here’s how:

Add Section Breaks in Microsoft Word

Sections are parts of a document. Use sections to organize content into chapters, topics, or whatever other division helps your reader understand and use the document. Each section in a Word document can have its own formatting, page layouts, columns, headers, and footers. Sections are created using section breaks. To use headers and footers, insert a section break at the beginning of each section for which you want to apply a unique header or footer. The formatting you set up extends to each page of the section until another section break is encountered. To set up a section break: After your document is divided into sections, you can apply headers and footers on a per-section basis.

Section Break (Next Page): The section starts on a new page.Section Break (Continuous): The section continues from the selected spot.Section Break (Odd Page): Starts a new section on the next odd-numbered page.Section Break (Even Page): Starts a new section on the next even-numbered page.

Include Page Numbers, Dates, Times, or Other Info

Word offers many options for including information automatically. For example, to insert page numbers: