Create a New User Account in Windows 7

Use the Control Panel to add and modify user accounts.

What Is a User Account?

A user account is a collection of information that tells Windows which files and folders you can access, what changes you can make to the computer, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop background or screen saver. User accounts let you share a computer with several people while having your own files and settings. Each person accesses a separate user account with a username and password. When you are done, the account appears in the account list in the Control Panel.

Windows 7 Account Types

Windows 7 has various levels of permissions and account types that determine those permissions, but for the sake of simplicity, we’re going to discuss the three main account types visible to most Windows users that use Manage Accounts to manage user accounts in Windows 7.

Standard User: Standard account users can use most software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. Administrator: Administrators have complete access to the computer and can make any desired changes. Based on notification settings, administrators may be asked to provide their password or confirmation before making changes that affect other users. Guest Accounts: Guest accounts are intended primarily for people who need temporary use of a computer.

The Administrator account should be reserved for users who have experience with Windows and who are authorized to make system-level settings changes. In most instances, the first user account in Windows 7 is the Administrator account. This account has the permission to modify everything in Windows 7.