How to Delete Apps on Apple TV From the Home Screen

Deleting Apple TV apps from the Home Screen is simple. Just follow these steps:

How to Delete Apps on Apple TV From the Settings App

You can also delete apps from the Settings app on the Apple TV. You’ll probably want to use this option if you’re looking to free up space by deleting apps that use a lot of storage. To use delete apps this way, follow these steps: The app is deleted from your Apple TV and any other Apple TVs in your home that uses the same ID if you opted for One Home Screen option.

How to Hide Apps on Apple TV

If you want to keep an app but not see it on your home screen, hide the app in a folder instead. You do that in the same menu that you open to delete an app from the Home screen, but you click New Folder (or another category folder you made previously) instead. The folder is named by the Apple TV according to category, and it appears on the Home screen filled with any apps you put in it.

How to Delete Apps on Multiple Apple TVs at Once

If you have more than one Apple TV (4th Gen. or 4K models only), you can set them to delete apps from all devices simultaneously. You turn on the One Home Screen feature, which makes sure all your Apple TVs have the same apps, arranged in the same way, on their home screens. To enable One Home Screen: Now, any time you make a change to the apps or layout on one of your Apple TVs, the others use iCloud to automatically update to match.