Where Are Downloads on My iPad?
Unlike PCs and Macs, the iPad has no designated Downloads folder where all downloaded files immediately go. And, the iOS file system isn’t as easy to browse as an Android file system. A downloaded file’s location largely depends on the app you’re in when you access that file, although things have become a little easier with the Files app’s introduction in iOS 11.
Choose Where to Save a File
Save your files to a location you can easily find again. While you have many options, here’s how to save files from commonly used apps.
Saving a File From Mail
Frequently, you’ll want to save an attachment from an email you receive. Here’s how to choose where the file goes.
Saving a File From Safari
Here’s how to save a file from the default web browser, Safari.
Saving an Image From Safari
Saving an image is a simple process.
How to Find Downloads on Your iPad
If you’ve downloaded a file and you’re unsure where it went, check some of the likely locations.
If you’re searching for a downloaded image file, it’s almost certainly stored within your Photos app.
If you tap Copy to iBooks, PDF files are sent or copied to iBooks so you can easily browse the files as you would a book or manual.
Other Files
Any other files likely ended up in the Files App. This app brings together all your files across iCloud, so it can also include documents from your Mac or other iOS devices.