Here’s how to figure out what the cause of your issue is on Bumble and how to go about fixing it.

Causes of Bumble Issues

There are four main causes of problems when using Bumble:

Your Device: If you have an old device or a device that has suffered any physical damage, it could have trouble supporting the latest version of the app, tracking your location, or detecting your movement.Your Bumble App: The app version you have installed on your device could be outdated.Your Bumble Account: You may have signed into the wrong account or chosen the wrong method to sign in.Bumble’s Servers: Bumble is experiencing widespread issues or outages.

How to Fix It When Bumble Is Not Working

There are several different fixes depending on the type of issue you’re experiencing with Bumble. The solution could be as easy as restarting the app or as advanced as needing to contact Bumble’s support team. If you can’t find any sign of widespread issues or an outage from Bumble’s servers, then the issue might be on your end.