How Flipboard Problems May Appear
If you’ve used Flipboard for any length of time, you’re probably pretty familiar with how it works. So, when something goes wrong, you’re likely to notice it. For example, you might be experiencing problems with Flipboard if:
Your Flipboard magazines and collections don’t refresh.Your Flipboard app crashes every time you open it.You can’t flip content into your Flipboard collections.You receive the error: “Not logged in: You are not logged in. Please login and try again.”
Causes of Flipboard Not Working
Although it seems to be pretty rare, there are several things that can cause Flipboard not to work properly. For example, if you’ve created a magazine that covers a very niche topic, it’s possible that it just hasn’t been updated since the last time you saw it, but there could also be something more be something more going on. Another cause of problems with Flipboard could be that you’ve inadvertently logged out (or logged into the wrong account), or that you’ve missed an update to the app. Regardless of the issue, these troubleshooting steps should help you get Flipboard back up again.
How to Fix it When Flipboard Isn’t Working Right
If your Flipboard app isn’t working correctly, try walking through these troubleshooting steps. Start at the top of the list and try each one of the suggestions individually until you resolve the problem you’re having. To force quit and restart apps on iOS or iPadOS, you’ll need to open the App Switcher and close Flipboard from there. To force quit an app on Android, you’ll need to use the Apps Manager. If you can’t access your Flipboard app, you can go to Flipboard’s Help Center and click Contact to start the process of connecting to Flipboard.