Why Does My Mac Say Installation Failed?

There can be many reasons your Mac shows an ‘Installation Failed’ error when you’re trying to upgrade to macOS Monterey. They include:

Incompatibility: Not all computers are compatible with macOS Monterey. Older machines may not have the resources necessary to run the operating system. Apple has a list of which Macs are compatible with macOS Monterey. No internet connection: If you don’t have an internet connection, you cannot download and install the installation files. That’s also true if your internet is spotty or the link is weak. Not enough storage space: According to Apple, you’ll need 26 GB free storage to install the macOS Monterey update if you’re upgrading from macOS Sierra or later. If you’re upgrading from an earlier release of macOS, you’ll need 44 GB available. And those are just minimum requirements. It’s best to have more space open than that, so if you have less, you won’t be able to upgrade. Apple’s servers may be down: If you meet all the requirements above, and you’re still receiving this error, Apple’s servers may be down. You can check Apple’s System Status page to find out if the problem might be on their side rather than your own.

How Do I Fix macOS Monterey Installation Failed?

If you’ve received the message ‘Installation Failed’ while trying to upgrade to macOS Monterey, it can cause some anxiety, but don’t panic. There are some steps you can take to get the installation going again, and barring that, you might be able to get back to the state your computer was in before you started.