Whatever the cause, there’s a chance you’ll be able to get your computer screen back to normal. Just try some of these tips.

Why Does My Computer Monitor Have Vertical Lines?

Vertical lines on a monitor are one of three core problems: the display panel itself is defective, the connection between your computer and the display is faulty, or it’s receiving erroneous information. There isn’t much you can do about the former unless your monitor is within its warranty period, but the others have some relatively easy fixes which might get rid of the vertical lines on your computer screen.

How Do I Get My Computer Screen Back to Normal?

The first step to getting rid of vertical lines on your monitor is to see if it’s to do with the display itself or some other issue. Open your monitor’s menu system and see if the vertical lines show up even over the top of the menu screen. If they do, then the problem is with your monitor itself. You’ll need to confirm whether your monitor is within warranty and whether you can return it or consider buying a new one. If they disappear or aren’t present when you’re looking at the menu, then the problem isn’t to do with the monitor’s display, which means you may be able to fix it.

How Do I Get Rid of the Vertical Lines on My Computer Screen?

The exact cause of the vertical lines on your computer screen will only be apparent if and when you fix it, so it’s best to start trying these examples to see what works.