Don’t Buy Anything Older Than One Generation Back

The world of technology moves fast – so fast that even a low price isn’t a good reason to buy an iPod Touch that’s too old. Just as it wouldn’t make any sense to buy an iPhone 4 these days as it’s just too old, the same is true for the iPod touch. When the iPod Touch was still being manufactured, Apple updated the device much more slowly than the iPhone, so the gap in terms of features, speed, and storage capacity between each model is much bigger than between iPhone models.  Buying more than one generation back could save you extra money, but it also means that the touch you buy will be less powerful, less useful, less fun, and more likely to start encountering hardware problems and software incompatibility sooner.

What to Look for With a Used iPod Touch

Here are some details to look out for when you’re buying a used iPod Touch.

Where to Buy a Used iPod Touch

If a used iPod Touch is right for you, you’ve got a lot of options for where to buy it: