How the Military Discount Works
The Verizon Wireless Military Discount offers a discount on monthly plans and up to 25 percent off the price for various phone accessories. There is also a military discount for FIOS users. The specific discount you’ll receive depends on how many unlimited plans you have and when you signed up for them. Deals available as of early 2021 range from $10 to $20 per account plus 10 to 25 percent off on specific accessories. Discounts on accessories are higher when items are ordered online instead of in person.
Who Qualifies for the Discount
All active members with all branches of service are eligible for discounts with Verizon and veterans, military reserves, National Guard, Gold Star Families, cadets, and commissioned officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the United States Public Health Service. Typically, the eligible veteran must apply for the discount and provide proof of service to qualify. However, spouses and next of kin (Gold Star Family members) can apply for it as well.
How to Apply for the Verizon Veteran Discount
You can sign up at any Verizon store or apply online with any web browser except Internet Explorer to complete the process. Follow these steps if you decide to apply through the Verizon web site: You can check the status of your submission on the Verizon site. Once you have your discount, it might be worth checking out the new phone deals Verizon offers.