How Do I Group Tabs in Chrome?

Assuming you already have multiple tabs open (and if you don’t, are you even using the web?), take the following steps. You can repeat this to create groups for different logical divisions of your tabs, such as News, Work, Media, et cetera.

How Do I Add Tabs to a Group in Chrome?

Once you have one or more groups created, you can start adding existing tabs to them.

What Can I Do With Tab Groups?

The most useful way to use tab groups is to unclutter your browser window. Specifically, by clicking on the tab title you can expand and collapse all the tabs within the group, hiding them from view. There’s a variety of other convenient actions you can take using tab groups, as follows:

You can use tab groups to easily move multiple tabs between existing windows by dragging the group title tab from one to another.Right-clicking on the group title tab and selecting the Move group to new window will create a brand new window with the group and its tabs. Dragging the group title tab off its current window and releasing it will do the same thing.You can close all tabs within a group easily by right-clicking on the group title tab and selecting the Close group option.If you close a tab group and want to recall it, you can recall the entire group (including its title and color) with the global Ctrl + Shift + t key combo. It’s also available as a group to re-launch from the History list in the main menu.