How to Install Smart Lights Into Your Light Fixtures
How to Use Smart Lights With Google Assistant
If you intend to use the smart bulb with Google Home or Google Assistant, follow these directions:
Discover Devices With Alexa
You can use Alexa to find the devices you want to connect. A simple voice command will help you start the connection process.
Manually Discover Devices
Alternatively, you can manually discover a smart device: Alexa offers a variety of vocal commands, including the ability to dim to a specific percentage. You can do this by saying, “Alexa, set (light name) to (0-100 percent).” You can also assign your smart bulb to a group, which allows you to control multiple lights at once or change the color settings, if available. Download Alexa For:
How to Decide Which Smart Light Bulb to Buy
Most smart bulbs can dim, change colors, and adapt to sleeping habits, all through the use of an app. With online connectivity, smart home lights can optimize home security, coordinate with other lights, and improve energy efficiency, even when you’re not home. Basic smart bulbs like the Eufy Lumos cost anywhere from $15 to $20. Some smart bulbs require a smart home hub to serve as a portal to the internet and the rest of the home. A smart light with a hub will cost significantly more.