How to Get Concrete in Minecraft
Concrete doesn’t occur naturally, so you must make it on your own. First, craft some Concrete Powder, then use it on a water block to create a Concrete block. Then, equip a pickaxe and mine the block to get your Concrete. To make multiple Concrete blocks, stack Concrete Powder blocks on top of one another. When you mine the Concrete with your pickaxe, the Concrete Power blocks will fall, and the bottom one will become Concrete. Keep mining the bottom block to collect as much Concrete as you need.
Required Materials for Concrete
You need the following items to craft Concrete Power:
4 Gravel4 Sand1 Dye (any color)
To turn Concrete Power into Concrete, all you need is a water source and a pickaxe to mine it with.
How to Make Concrete Powder
To craft Concrete Powder, combine 4 Sand, 4 Gravel, and 1 Dye in a Crafting Table. It doesn’t matter how you arrange the materials. Sand and Gravel can be found near water in most biomes. Different color dyes can be crafted or smelted from specific items using a Furnace.
How to Make White and Black Concrete in Minecraft
Use White Dye to make White Concrete Powder. You can craft White Dye using 1 Bone Meal or 1 Lily of the Valley. Use Black Dye to make Black Concrete Powder. To craft Black Dye, use 1 Ink Sac or 1 Wither Rose.
How to Make Dyes in Minecraft
Dyes can be made through crafting or smelting certain materials. Some colors can only be crafted by combining other colors: