Create a Playlist to Burn to CD

To burn a CD in iTunes, begin by creating a playlist. The exact steps for creating a playlist depends upon what version of iTunes you’re using, but all recent versions generally follow something like these steps:

Add Songs to the Playlist

Once you’ve created the playlist, you need to add music to the playlist and put it in the order you want it to be on the CD by following these steps: Sorting options are as follows:

Playlist Order: The drag-and-drop order from Step 2.Name: Alphabetical by song name.Genre: Alphabetical by genre name, grouping songs from the same genre together alphabetically by genre.Year: Groups songs by the year they were released.Artist: Alphabetical by artist name, grouping songs by the same artist together.Album: Alphabetical by album name, grouping songs from the same album together.Time: Songs arranged longest to shortest, or vice versa.If you sort using one of these options, you can also choose to view the sorted playlist in Ascending or Descending order.

Insert a Blank CD and Choose Burn Settings

Once you have the playlist in the order you want, follow these steps:

Preferred Speed: This controls how quickly iTunes creates your CD. In most cases, you’ll want Maximum Possible. Disc Format: To make a CD that can be played in stereos, cars, and other standard CD players, choose Audio CD. To burn a disc of the MP3s of the songs so they can be transferred to another computer, but can only be played in CD players that support MP3 CDs, choose MP3 CD. To create a CD or DVD that stores only data and is only used in a computer, choose Data CD or DVD. Gap Between Songs: If you choose Audio CD, you can control how much silence there is between each song. Some CDs are designed to be listened to without the short gaps of silence between songs. These “gapless” CDs are often used for classical music and concert recordings, among others.  Use Sound Check: The Sound Check feature of iTunes checks all of the songs on your playlist and tries to adjust them to equal volume (not all songs are recorded at the same volume). Include CD Text: Some CD players, especially in cars, can display the song title or artist name for the song that’s playing. If you have one of those CD players and want this information to appear when the CD is playing, check this box.