How to Plant Seeds in Minecraft
The general steps for planting in Minecraft are the same regardless of what you’re trying to grow:
What Materials Do You Use to Plant Seeds in Minecraft?
Different seeds grow different crops. You can plant some crops to make even more of the same crop. For example, planting 1 Carrot will yield multiple Carrots. This chart explains what you need to plant each crop: Saplings, Mushrooms, and Sugar Cane will grow on any block, but Sugar Cane will only grow near water. Most crops don’t require water, but they will grow faster if they are close to a water source.
How to Make Plants Grow Faster in Minecraft
To speed up the growing process, add a fertilizer such as Carbonated Water, Fish Emulsion, Bone Meal, or Super Fertilizer. To make Super Fertilizer, combine Ammonia and Phosphorus on a Lab Table. The Lab Table is only available in Education Edition mode, which you can enable in your World settings. Plants grow fastest in warm biomes with lots of light and water. To irrigate your soil, dig a ditch along the side of your crops and fill it with Water Bucket. It will start to turn a darker color, indicating that your crops are watered. Water blocks irrigate all surrounding blocks in. four tile range, so you can dig a hole one block deep, fill it with water, then plant seeds all around it.
How Do You Start a Garden in Minecraft?
Here’s how to start a simple garden that automatically produces crops:
Why Can’t I Plant My Seeds in Minecraft?
Your crops need the proper soil and adequate light. Ensure the soil is tilled, and always plant in well-lit areas (unless you’re planting mushrooms). If you’re playing in Creative Mode, you will be unable to harvest crops, but it doesn’t matter since you can summon any item you need.