How to Produce a Video Interview

Video interviews—or talking heads—are common in all types of videos, from documentaries and newscasts to marketing videos and customer testimonials. Producing a video interview is a straightforward process that you can complete with nearly any type of home video equipment. Follow these steps to produce the perfect video interview:

Tips for Producing Video Interviews

Here are some more general tips for getting the best results: If you can’t find a suitable backdrop for the video interview, seat your subject in front of a blank wall. If you’re working without a light kit, use whatever lamps are available to adjust the lighting. Make sure that your subject’s face is brightly lit, without any odd shadows. A lavaliere microphone will not get a good recording of you asking the interview questions. Use another lav mic for yourself, or a microphone attached to the camera, if you want the interview questions recorded as well as the answers. If you don’t own a lav mic, use the camcorder’s built-in microphone for the video interview. Just make sure the interview is done in a quiet space and that your subject speaks loudly and clearly. Instruct your interview subject to look at you, and not directly into the camera. This positioning gives your interview a more natural look, with the subject looking slightly off camera. As the interviewer, keep quiet while your interview subject answers questions. Respond with support and empathy by nodding or smiling, but any verbal responses will make editing the interview difficult.

Find your interviewee a comfortable chair to sit in.Ask your interviewee to remove bracelets or jewelry that could clank together and disturb the audio recording.Check the frame closely to make sure there are no background objects poking out from behind your subject’s head.