How to Create Custom Google Routines
If the ready-made Routines aren’t what you want, create custom Routines. Here’s how:
What Is a Google Home Routine?
A Google Home Routine is a set of actions that a Google Home device controls with a single command. Google Assistant has six built-in Routines waiting for you. These Routines are:
Good morningBedtimeLeaving homeI’m homeCommuting to workCommuting home
Each of these ready-made Routines can be customized. Within each Routine, you’ll find a set of parameters that you can edit:
When I say: Sets a trigger word or phrase for the Routine.This Routine will: Assigns the tasks to be completed with the verbal cue.Add action: Adds more actions to the Routine.
Google Assistant also has a slew of Routine action ideas in its ready-made Routines. For example, in the Good Morning ready-made Routine, suggested actions include, “Tell me what happened today in history, “Tell me a poem,” and “Tell me about my commute.