According to a tweet from Twitter’s official support page on Wednesday, updates will roll out over the next two months to ensure tweets don’t disappear. Twitter said the issue seems to happen most often when the timeline auto-refreshes.  “The background: a tweet would move up the timeline as replies were added to the ongoing convo. Since some convos can evolve quickly, this made it so you didn’t see the same tweet repeated in the TL,” Twitter Support said.  The good news is that this “disappearing tweet” incident only happens if you’re using the Twitter iOS or Android app. However, if you’re reading a long thread about something and a new tweet comes in as a reply, you end up losing your place, which is super frustrating.  Twitter has been working on solving users’ issues with the platform in recent months and improving the overall user experience.  One specific feature many users have wanted for a long time is the ability to block someone without unfollowing them altogether. Earlier this month, Twitter said it was testing a “soft block” feature, which would prevent your tweets from appearing on a specific user’s timeline.  The platform also is working on emoji reactions to tweets, instead of simply “liking” a tweet. If the test became a mainstay feature, the different emoji reactions would be a thinking face emoji, a crying face emoji, a laughing with tears emoji, a clapping emoji, and a heart emoji.