In time, Telnet’s use declined in favor of SSH (Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell) due to security concerns when it was used over an open network. Telnet lacks authentication policies and data encryption.

The Beginning of Telnet

Telnet refers to a network virtual terminal protocol. The acronym comes from teletype network, terminal network, or telecommunications network, depending on which source you believe. It was built as a form of remote control to manage mainframe computers from distant terminals. Telnet enabled research students and professors to log in to a university mainframe from any terminal in the building in the days of large mainframe computers. This remote login saved researchers hours of walking each semester. While Telnet pales in comparison to modern networking technology, it was revolutionary in 1969, and Telnet helped pave the way for the World Wide Web in 1989.

Telnet Gives Way to SSH

In time, insecure Telnet evolved into the newer SSH network protocol, which modern network administrators use to manage Linux and Unix computers from a distance. SSH provides strong authentication and secures encrypted data communications between computers over an insecure network.

No Graphics Here

Unlike Firefox or Google Chrome screens, Telnet screens are unremarkable to view. Telnet is all about typing on a keyboard. It has none of the graphic elements we expect from web pages today. Telnet commands can be cryptic, with example commands including z and prompt% fg. Most modern users would find Telnet screens to be archaic and slow. Telnet is rarely used to connect computers anymore because of its lack of security. However, it is still functional; there’s a Telnet client in Windows (10, 8, 7, and Vista), although you may have to enable Telnet first.