Word 2007 provides a cross-reference feature that updates cross-references automatically as you work on your document, even if you add or remove pages. When the cross-reference is set up properly, the reader clicks the specified text in a document to be taken to a targeted location. Depending on what you are jumping to, the method of cross-referencing varies.

Cross-Reference Images, Charts, and Tables With Captions in Word 2007

This method of cross-referencing jumps to Microsoft Word 2007 elements with captions, such as images, figures, and charts.

Using the Cross-Reference Feature With Bookmarks

Using the cross-reference feature is particularly easy when you have already set up bookmarks for your document. As an example, you might have already set up bookmarks at the beginning of each chapter of a lengthy document. The cross-reference has been applied and updates as you alter the document. If you want to delete a cross-reference, highlight the cross-reference and press the Delete key.